is henceforth deprecated. EOL in August 2022.

Please switch to Some (?all) of your notes have been ported over already.

Note'd Markdown Notes

<inserts amazing graphics here>

This project is an expedition to provide a markdown application that works well on desktop and mobile devices, while also providing the security of self-hosting the data using OAuth to validate credentials.

This whole project is still in Beta. So long as I'm the only dev, it'll likely be in Beta for a while. But hopefully that doesn't deter you from using the application. Just be sure to export a backup of your notes occasionally.

One of the interesting things I like about this application, is that the password supports a wide variety of characters. Spaces, tabs (if you can manage it), emojis, and of course, foreign languages.
But be kind to yourself. Not all mobile-device keyboards expect this level of flexibility.

Another goal of this project, is to allow oneself, to control their data, while not loosing the convience of remote/cloud access. The applications (Note'd & Storage) are meant to be independent, so that you can spin up your own hosts. One of each, or mayhaps just a storage host.

Either way, you can rely on my hosting, or you can set up your own, w/o any loss of functionality.

Questions that no one asked

How does it work?

This site ( is primarily meant to serve the Frontend for writing the notes. This includes the HTML, CSS, JS, and of course, the means to manage your user profile. The browser will directly request notes from the selected Workspace, using AJAX calls.

Where are my notes stored?

If you want to store your notes through this site, you'll need to create another user profile on a seprate site that is a subdomain of this one. That site being That host is responsible for storing the notes, unless you decide to "spin up" your own storage host.

  • That repo has a docker-compose.yml you can use to start a Docker container.

How does this site get the notes from

From your user profile, you'll register new workspaces. Each workspace would be a separate host (or duplicate, if that's your thing). This site ( will store the tokens for you, so you can safely create/modify/delete your notes. This application does not directly access the storage site. Your browser is responsible for making the AJAX calls for creating/modifying notes.

Why would someone "spin up" their own storage host?

Even with all the best security precautions, some people may prefer to have their data stored close to home. Hosting your own storage server from behind a firewall, means that so long as your browser is behind the same firewall, your browser can access the storage host, without this site ( ever needing direct access.

UML Diagram

I don't like holding my tokens. Can I host my own "Note'd App"?

Why yes you can! The repository is open source, and even has a Docker configuration. Please feel free to self-host your own "Note'd" application.